Short English Version



 White Lotus Kempo -  traditional spiritual Karate



Kempo is a complete warrior art; it is an exceptional mental and spiritual practice and an aid to maintain good health. It reunites a person into one whole. At a first glance, it looks like a martial art, but in reality it's a path to full self-realisation.

 What makes Kempo so unique is its ability to reach the mind through the body and the body through the mind, until they become inseparable and calm. Once this union is achieved, turning to a spiritual goal comes naturally.

The first level of practice is concentrated on the body. By integrating the whole being (mind, body and speech or breathing) we learn to use a very powerful synthesis to create an insight into our own physical unbalance and to clean up and restore balance to our metabolism. The next level is about integrating the inner energy and breathing. In the long run, the goal is to understand the symbolism of movement as a manifestation of the doctrine itself.

Kempo breaks down the barriers between us and others. It offers us a method to achieve harmony with our nature by helping us to discover parts of it that are usually hidden or repressed. Physically, it frees our limited muscular frame or movement, and in that way it is a useful therapeutic practice. Working on deeper levels, it helps our internal organs by strengthening and stabilizing our metabolism. One of the results of such practice is that we feel livelier and healthier. It also helps us to understand how that change happened. Through practice, we become aware and through awareness we practice.

While combat is defined by the limitations of the warriors, Kempo is only limited by the universe itself. It does not draw on strong muscles, but on intense insight.


Basic components of Kempo

Dachi – a stance

Geri - a kick

Uke - a block

Tsuki - a punch

Uchi - a short, fast punch

Kata - a shape or a form

Kumite - a fight (sparring), communication





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